March 4, 2025
March 4, 2025
Dear Swigert Families,
I wanted to take a moment to recognize all the students who participated in the Swigert Science Fair last Friday. The projects were creative, authentic and so well done. The following students earned the top three in their grade level. They are all eligible to participate in the District Science Fair, which will take place on Saturday May 3rd at CSU Spur 09:00am to 3:00. See below for all their pictures and names!
Our Student Council Members are starting a monthly news podcast, please check out their first iteration. - Link to Video
I also want to remind families of our watch and cell phone policy. We are navigating a new world with cellphones, smart and social media. It’s important that at school watches and phones are not used during the day (unless for an emergency). They cause unnecessary distractions in class. If you need to communicate with your child, please contact the front office. Thank you!
Here is a link to Swigert’s Cell Phone and Smart Watch policy.
We look forward to seeing families this week at our PTA sponsored Bingo Night this Thursday from 6-7. Please join Mr. Shutts and Senor Amador as our Bingo callers, enjoy some game times, and build community.
Shelby Dennis
3rd Place: Team (Makena Roddy & Olivia Chung)
2nd Place: We have a tie: Sylvia Wilson & Team (Spencer Seigel & August Roach)
1st Place: Owen Moles
4th GRADE:
1st Place: Emerson Middendorf
3rd Place: Team (Emelina Haugh & Emma Olenberger)
2nd Place: Team (Zander Maxmeister & Collin Manning)
5th GRADE:
1st Place: We have a tie: Luana Farias-Toress & Felix Lynn
2nd Place: Emma Miyazaki
3rd Place: Team (Jameson Shaker & Gregory Zarac & Andres Hansen)
Ramadan began last Friday. If your child needs a place to pray or an alternate spot to sit during the lunch hour so they aren't in the cafeteria, please reach out to Mrs. Tate ( and she will be happy to help support them.
For details on the dates of CMAS testing coming in April, please see THIS LETTER or head to the website:
WHEN: Thursday, March 6th
TIME: 6-7pm in the cafeteria
WHO: everyone
COST: free
Bring a snack or dessert to share!
ECE will not be in session on Friday, March 7th. There is school for K-5th grade. ECE has the day off for their teacher's professional learning.
Kindergarten and 2nd grade:
The kindergarten and 2nd grade concerts are next week!
The kindergarteners will present “Insects” and the 2nd graders will present “Folktales” on Thursday, March 13.
At 5:45 PM, kindergarten students will meet in their classrooms. Their concert begins at 6:00 in the gym.
At 6:25 PM, 2nd grade students will meet in their classrooms. Their concert begins at 6:40 in the gym.
Dress for this concert is nice clothes.
If you cannot make it to the evening concert, you may attend the dress rehearsals, Wednesday March 12 and Thursday March 13 during the school day: 12:20 (2nd grade) and 1:20 (kindergarten).
See you there!
Calling all Singers!
Swigert Singers, the school’s extracurricular choir, begins rehearsals soon. The choir is open to any 1st-5th grade student who wants another chance to sing and perform. Swigert Singers will rehearse each Thursday after school from 3:15-4:00 in the music room. The choir will sing at International Night on May 8.
Rehearsals begin Thursday, March 20. See you there!
Mrs. Baker -
Did your students notice anything weird going on with staff last week? We had a secret underground spirit week and tried to see if any students caught on. Here's a peek into the fun we've had!
See all the pictures here!
Beach Day
Anything but a water bottle
Fan day!
Wear all black
March’s artist of the month is Kaiya Sterr in Mr. Jones’ 4th grade class. Kaiya is an incredible artist and always comes to class ready to be creative. She always displays the Learner Profiles of Principled, Caring, and Knowledgeable. Here she is holding her collage project. Way to go, Kaiya!
The 5th Read Around the World book club text will take us to the continent of Europe. We will be reading The War That Saved My Life by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 19th from 3:30-4:30 in the Swigert library. Any student is welcome to join us, just please sign up so I can best prepare for snacks and activities.
Questions? Reach out to Ms. Mosley at
Join us for a Parent Coffee focusing on Perfectionism and Anxiety and how to help your kiddo! Hosted by our school psychologist, Ms. Irk, and our GT coordinator, Ms. B!
Friday, March 14th after drop off around 8:15am, in the library.
Coffee is provided!
Attention all 5th graders! If you are interested in participating in DPS' Citywide Art Show I would love to have up to 10 5th graders represent Swigert! Here's the info and let me know if you have any questions or are interested!
Elementary School Citywide Art Show 24-25
Theme: “Bring Your Story”
Location: Denver Art Museum, reception will be May 6th from 5:30-7:30 pm.
Art pieces need to be turned in to Ms. Carlson by April 11.
If you’re interested in having some of your artwork shown at the Denver Art Museum, please email me at
Class Picture Day is Thursday, April 3rd. You can dress up if you want. 🙂 Pictures will be outside with the whole class and there will be an option to purchase after you see them!
Denver Public Schools provides free vision, hearing, and dental screenings for all students in identified grades (Early Childhood Education, Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th). The screenings are NOT an assessment or an evaluation and do NOT replace professional exams. Mass screening is considered best practice to identify students who may be at risk for health concerns affecting the student’s ability to learn, and who may need extra support to reach academic benchmarks.
Your student will receive screenings in the following areas: Vision, Hearing, and Dental. Resources are available for DPS enrolled students.
You must notify your school nurse directly should you wish to REFUSE/OPT OUT of any of the free screenings for your student.
The health screening components of vision and hearing will be completed at your child’s school on:
Dates: 04/21/2025 - 04/23/2025
Please contact your school nurse for any questions or concerns about the health screenings. Parents/guardians of students who were absent or who did not have optimal hearing, vision or dental screening results will be notified in writing regarding the results. Thank you for your assistance as we work together to educate and support your students!
School Nurse: Hoang Tran
School Nurse Direct phone number: 720-424-4803
School Nurse Email:
Our Kids Heart Challenge program has come to a close and we are so grateful for your support and dedication!
A heartfelt thank you to our Swigert International School families for your engagement and involvement in any way you were able! We are so grateful for what you have helped our community achieve- we are thrilled announce that our school had
We raised $8,023.25 of our $15,000.00 goal!
66 Families engaged in Kids Heart Challenge
16 Families completing Finn's Lifesaving Mission
$8,023.25 were raised to support the American Heart Association
We are proud of our partnership with the American Heart Association, their impact affects us all, things like:
The tobacco buying age
Nutrition access
CPR Trainings
Congenital Heart Defect Research (1/100 babies are born with CHD!)
Auction tickets are on sale now! Get more information and buy your tickets here:!
Calling all Parents!
We’ve begun prepping for the 2025 Auction. We're currently gathering donation items. We’re looking for vacation homes, event tickets, sporting events, or experiences you know others would love. All donations will be tax deductible.
Please reach out to with any questions/donations. We need your help!
Attention Fun Parents:
The 2025 school auction is looking for people to help host Buy-a-Share parties!
What are Buy-a-Shares?
Buy-a-Shares are group experiences or parties donated by Swigert families. A group of families offer to host an event, at their own expense, and we sell a set number of tickets, via the auction website, to attend the event. When all spots have been purchased, the party is full!
Who can host and who goes?
Any Swigert Families can host. Kids, Adults, Families can go- it’s up to the hosts!
What are some ideas?
Popular ideas have been a video game truck, mahjong games, family sleigh rides, themed parties, swim parties, and more.
What do I do next?
Get with Swigert parent friends to brainstorm fun ideas. Then email for more help and to submit your experience! Need an idea? We have those too! Just reach out!
Mr. Dani, a paraprofessional here at Swigert, is coaching an 8U (2nd grade) girls soccer team this spring with Rapids. He's looking for a few more girls (birth year would need to be 2017) to join the team. If interested, please email him at
We strive to have great communication about all things Swigert.
Please visit our website at learn more about Swigert and events that are coming up.
You can also join our Friends of Swigert International School, a private Facebook page. We post pictures of events at school, interact as a school family, and you can see friendly reminders of upcoming events.
Wondering who to contact if you have questions about? See table below:
Instruction, Programming, etc
Shelby Dennis
Amber Holthus-Pera
Swigert uses Google Calendar. Do you? If so, you can stay up to date on all school activities.
Just add the Swigert Calendar to your personal calendar. Learn how to do that here.
To reach Swigert International School:
Office: (720) 424-4800
Attendance: (720) 424-4740
March 6th
Family Bingo Night
March 7th
ECE not in session
March 13th
Kinder & 2nd Grade Music Concerts
March 14th
Community Coffee: Perfectionism and Anxiety
March 19th
PTA Meeting
SAC Meeting
March 21st
Student Council Spirit Day - Sports/Hobby Day
March 22-April 1st
Spring Break!
April 3rd
Class Picture Day
April 18th
Pippa Day - dress like a Superhero
April 28-May 1st
Spirit Week
May 1st
Swigert Service Day!
May 2nd
May 3rd
Save the Date - Auction!
May 5-9th
Teacher Appreciation Week
May 8th
International Night
May 16th
Field Day
June 2nd - save the date
5th grade clap-out, exhibition, and continuation ceremony
We love our Swigert Sponsors! Check out and support their businesses!