February 25, 2025
February 25, 2025
Dear Swigert Community,
Swigert is abuzz with some great fieldwork and learning right now. Our third graders headed up to Balarat outdoor space as part of their science unit on Sharing the Planet. See a few pictures below!
We are excited to share about a few upcoming events. Before I do that, I wanted to take a moment and shout out Mr. Lavezzo for organizing our awesome Swigert Talent Show last week. It was really wonderful to see our students shining in different ways- from singing, playing instruments, dancing and a poi lighting activity. Here is a link to the videos if you want to watch: WATCH HERE.
Science Fair
We are looking forward to our Swigert Science Fair on Friday. 50 students are participating! A huge appreciation to our Swigert’s grade teacher, Racha Kobitary, for organizing and supporting this event for our students. I can’t wait to see what our students are experimenting with!
Family Bingo Night - Thursday, March 6th 6:00-7:00
Swigert’s PTA is hosting our third annual BINGO Night. It’s a fun community event where all ages and skill levels are welcome. Senor Amador and Mr. Shutts will be our callers and there will be some fun prizes. For more information see here.
March Madness: Swigert Style… with books!
Each teacher is reading or having mystery readers present different children’s books. The students are voting on which one they like best and we are keeping a schoolwide tally. By the end of the month we will have a March Madness Book winner. We have a live bracket up in the main hallway to track the results. Ask your child at home which book is their favorite so far or check them out on your own. There are some great children’s books here with meaningful messages. Check out the books and bracket.
Community Coffee: Perfectionism & Anxiety
Join us for a community coffee and hear from Kim Irk, our School Psychologist, and Robin Bresnahan, our Gifted and Talented coordinator. They'll be sharing important information and resources for parents around student anxiety and perfectionism. Friday March 14th after drop off in the library. Coffee will be provided.
As always, reach out with any questions! Sincerely,
Shelby Dennis
Ramadan begins this Friday. If your child needs a place to pray or an alternate spot to sit during the lunch hour so they aren't in the cafeteria, please reach out to Mrs. Tate (megan_tate@dpsk12.net) and she will be happy to help support them.
Swigert is hiring for a 1:1 Special Education Para Professional through the end of the this year. It's a 4.5 hour a day position. If interested please reach out to Shelby, Shelby_Dennis@dpsk12.net.
For details on the dates of CMAS testing coming in April, please see THIS LETTER or head to the website: https://swigert.dpsk12.org/2025/01/07/cmas-information/.
WHEN: Thursday, March 6th
TIME: 6-7pm in the cafeteria
WHO: everyone
COST: free
Bring a snack or dessert to share!
Kindergarten and 2nd grade:
The kindergarten and 2nd grade concerts are coming soon!
The kindergarteners will present “Insects” and the 2nd graders will present “Folktales” on Thursday, March 13.
At 5:45 PM, kindergarten students will meet in their classrooms. Their concert begins at 6:00 in the gym.
At 6:25 PM, 2nd grade students will meet in their classrooms. Their concert begins at 6:40 in the gym.
Dress for this concert is nice clothes.
If you cannot make it to the evening concert, you may attend the dress rehearsals, Wednesday March 12 and Thursday March 13 during the school day: 12:20 (2nd grade) and 1:20 (kindergarten).
See you there!
The 5th Read Around the World book club text will take us to the continent of Europe. We will be reading The War That Saved My Life by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 19th from 3:30-4:30 in the Swigert library. Any student is welcome to join us, just please sign up so I can best prepare for snacks and activities.
Questions? Reach out to Ms. Mosley at l_holcomb-mosley@dpsk12.net.
We hope you have been enjoying our Swigert International School’s KHC so far! We are entering our final week, so calling all heart heroes!! So far we have raised $7,483.87 of our $15,000.00 goal!
If you were HOPING to achieve some of our school special incentives.. Here's how!
The class that raises the most gets an EXTRA PE CLASS! Any student who raises $50 will qualify to purchase discounted tickets and get a special ON COURT experience with the Denver Nuggets! The first 18 students to complete Finn's Mission will get a limited edition Wylie and Bingo!!
If you haven't had the chance to yet:
DOWNLOAD THE APP (iOS/Android) AND SIGN UP on our school's KHC page http://www2.heart.org/site/TR?fr_id=11259&pg=company&company_id=494785
Share your KHC Page via text and/or socials
Give or receive one more donation if you're able!
ECE will not be in session on Friday, March 7th. There is school for K-5th grade. ECE has the day off for their teacher's professional learning.
Calling all Parents!
We’ve begun prepping for the 2025 Auction. We're currently gathering donation items. We’re looking for vacation homes, event tickets, sporting events, or experiences you know others would love. All donations will be tax deductible.
Please reach out to president@swigertpta.com with any questions/donations. We need your help!
Hello! My name is Jose, and I work at Su Teatro Cultural and Performing Arts Center. Our youth theatre group, El Teatro VolARTE, will be opening a play on March 1st called Novio Boy by Gary Soto. Novio Boy is a full-length play starring students ages 7-16. Not only is this show a hilarious comedy written for adults and children alike. It's an excellent opportunity for students to see others their age performing to inspire them.
Novio Boy
by Gary Soto
March 1-9th
Friday the 7th at 6:00 pm
Saturday 3:00 pm & 6:00 pm
Sunday 3:00 pm
$10 for General Admission, $7 for Students/ Seniors
"Rudy bravely asks our older student Patricia on a date; now all he needs is the money, the poise, and all the advice to carry it off. Follow Rudy from his desperate search for guidance through the hilarious
date itself."
We strive to have great communication about all things Swigert.
Please visit our website at www.swigert.dpsk12.org learn more about Swigert and events that are coming up.
You can also join our Friends of Swigert International School, a private Facebook page. We post pictures of events at school, interact as a school family, and you can see friendly reminders of upcoming events.
Wondering who to contact if you have questions about? See table below:
Instruction, Programming, etc
Shelby Dennis
Amber Holthus-Pera
Swigert uses Google Calendar. Do you? If so, you can stay up to date on all school activities.
Just add the Swigert Calendar to your personal calendar. Learn how to do that here.
To reach Swigert International School:
Office: (720) 424-4800
Attendance: (720) 424-4740
February 28th
Science Fair
March 6th
Family Bingo Night
March 7th
ECE not in session
March 12th
Class Picture Day
March 13th
Kinder & 2nd Grade Music Concerts
March 14th
Community Coffee: Perfectionism and Anxiety
March 19th
PTA Meeting
SAC Meeting
March 22-April 1st
Spring Break!
April 18th
Pippa Day - dress like a Superhero
April 28-May 1st
Spirit Week
May 1st
Swigert Service Day!
May 2nd
May 3rd
Save the Date - Auction!
May 5-9th
Teacher Appreciation Week
May 8th
International Night
May 16th
Field Day
We love our Swigert Sponsors! Check out and support their businesses!