November 19, 2024
November 19, 2024
Dear Swigert Families
I am thankful to work in a school that encourages changemakers in our world and supports innovative practices to spark curiosity and critical thinking. Our fifth graders last week choose a person who has helped to create meaningful change in this world and brought that person to life with a costume and a short speech. I was so taken by their creativity and passion for their work. They also chose to use this opportunity to do a coin drive to support Make A Wish Organization to support our fellow student- Conrad Robinson- and his campaign to raise money to grant wishes to families battling terminal diseases. He created his own climb-a-thon, climbing over 50 routes, and raised $60,000 to support 8 families with their wishes. We will be honoring Conrad and Make A Wish in a school wide assembly Wednesday from 2:30-3:00 Swigert Make A Wish Campaign. So proud of our changemakers! We'd love it if your student would wear blue or Swigert gear tomorrow for this assembly.
We are hosting a literacy night for parents tonight from 5-6 if you want to come learn more about our literacy program at Swigert, dyslexia and how to support your children at home please join! Our K and 1st families received detailed info and also our families of students in reading intervention.
I am thankful for our community and I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving Break. If you are walking through our halls this week, check our what our students are grateful for on our Thankful Tree.
Shelby Dennis
Check out all the wax museum pictures HERE.
Our DEI parent group would like to invite you to listen to the Embrace Race Podcast. It is a fantastic resource for learning about how kids learn about race, and dives into some common myths about this topic. We would love for you to join us on this learning journey! We are in week 4, and you can find the links to both episodes below. In addition we have an optional Google Form for people to fill out to record thoughts and wonderings from the podcast. It can be filled out after any/all of the episodes (or none at all, if you would prefer not to). The Google Form is all anonymous unless you want to self identify.
Here is the link to the fourth episode:
Here is the link to the Google Form:
The Read Around the World Book Club meeting has been rescheduled to Thursday, December 5th--same time 3:30-4:30 and place--the library.
The book is The Volcano Disaster by Peg Kehret. If anyone is struggling to get the book, please see me as I have extras to share.
Questions, please email Ms. Mosley -
Thursday, December 12th from 6-8pm
What: A celebration of different winter holidays and an opportunity to learn about a variety of cultural traditions.
What to bring: a dessert to share & your family
We will provide: storyteller, one man play, holiday displays, family crafts, harp player, plates/utensils, and hot cocoa to take home
We’d also love donations of boxes of single packets of hot chocolate mix for Winterfest! You can drop them off in the main office or with Emily Pool!
Calling all Bridge Players! Mrs. Bresnahan is teaching her 4th and 5th grade students to play the great game of Bridge and looking for volunteers to come guide and play with our students. Please email her if you are a bridge aficionado and interested at
The Food Drive has been extended through this week - Friday November 22nd!
PTA is hosting a food drive to restock our food pantry There will be bins for each grade level.
ECE - Granola bars/multi-pack snacks
Kindergarten - Ramen
1st - Canned chicken/Canned tuna
2nd - Cereal - not super large boxes from Costco and no bagged cereal
3rd - Canned fruit – 15oz or less
4th - Canned vegetables / Tomato sauce – 15 oz cans, not large ones from Costco or glass containers
5th - Pasta/Grains/Rice/Mac N Cheese
All- Reusable cloth bags
Mrs.Ross (4th Grade Teacher) works closely with her sister in an organization called Bridge the Gap Colorado. This holiday season, they will be hosting their annual Soles and Smiles event- a community initiative focused on bringing joy and essential items to local families. To make this happen, they aim to give away at least 100 new pairs of sneakers and toys to children in need. With that, they're accepting toy donations within the Denver metro area. Mrs.Ross will have a toy donation box outside of her classroom, room 313, November 18th-December 11th. Please reach out to Mrs.Ross at if you have any questions. Thank you!
MCA: Central Park invites you to the Winter Welcome!
Friday, November 22nd, 2024 | 5:00-8:00pm
Join us as we flip the switch on our holiday lights at the 29th Ave Town Center on Friday, November 22nd. There will be live performances from the Denver Dolls & More, vendors selling goodies and a Winter Welcome bar selling hot chocolate and adult beverages!
The tree lighting ceremony will begin at 6:00pm!
Additionally, there will also be Girl Scouts selling s’mores, MCA partners giving away special treats and pictures with Santa beginning at 5:00pm.
*We will close 29th Avenue from Quebec to Roslyn Street at 8:00am to set up for the event.
Denver Free Days
11/18 Denver Museum of Nature & Science
11/22 Four Mile Historic Park
11/29 Denver Botanic Gardens
12/04 Buffalo Bill Museum & Grave
12/05 Historic Denver/Molly Brown House Museum
12/08 Denver Museum of Nature & Science
12/08 Highlands Ranch Concert Band
12/10 Denver Art Museum
12/12 City of Aurora Open Space & Natural Resources
12/13 Mizel Institute
More information here
We strive to have great communication about all things Swigert.
Please visit our website at learn more about Swigert and events that are coming up.
You can also join our Friends of Swigert International School, a private Facebook page. We post pictures of events at school, interact as a school family, and you can see friendly reminders of upcoming events.
Wondering who to contact if you have questions about? See table below:
Instruction, Programming, etc
Shelby Dennis
Amber Holthus-Pera
Swigert uses Google Calendar. Do you? If so, you can stay up to date on all school activities.
Just add the Swigert Calendar to your personal calendar. Learn how to do that here.
To reach Swigert International School:
Office: (720) 424-4800
Attendance: (720) 424-4740
November 19th
Literacy Night (for parents)
November 20th
SAC Meeting
November 21st
Thanksgiving Lunch
November 25-29th
Thanksgiving Break, No school
December 6th
Community Coffee
December 12th
December 23-Jan 6th
Winter Break, No school
We love our Swigert Sponsors! Check out and support their businesses!