Important Dates
January 16 from 4-5 p.m.: Middle School Fair for 5th Graders and Families
January 17 from 9:30-10:30 a.m.: Unidos Por Swansea
January 20: No school in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 22 from 5-7 p.m.: MLE DAC Meeting at Bruce Randolph MS/HS
January 28 from 5-6:30 p.m.: CSC Meeting (virtual)
February 7 from 8:30-9:30 a.m.: Chats with the Principal
February 14 : No School for Students; Staff Professional Learning Day
Parent Portal Access & SchoolChoice
SchoolChoice Round 1 is now open! Please make sure you are able to log into your Parent Portal account. Guardians will need access to their account to complete their student’s SchoolChoice Application. If you’re unable to log in to your account, please contact the main office at 720-424-3630.
Upcoming Multilingual Education District Advisory Committee Meeting
Join the MLE DAC at Bruce Randolph MS/HS on Wednesday, January 22 from 5-7 p.m. Topics will include Safety, Bully Prevention and Discipline Matrix, and representatives will be providing information and answering parent/community questions.
Join us at the Middle School Fair
Swansea Elementary will be hosting a Middle School Fair TODAY, January 16 from 4-5 p.m. Fifth graders and their families can come meet representatives and learn about the following middle schools:
Choosing a middle school is a big decision, and we hope that learning more about some popular middle school options will help students feel more comfortable and confident in identifying their preferred middle school for next school year.
Denver Safe Routes to School Partnership
Our Safe Routes to School partner needs more family input! Please tell us about your experiences accessing Swansea Elementary by walking, bicycling, rolling, school bus, and driving. Click here take the Swansea Elementary Transportation Survey!
Saturday School Begins on Jan. 25
Register your scholar for Saturday School at Swansea Elementary! Saturday School is FREE and FUN. Make sure to sign up before the first class on January 25. Use this link to register.
ECE-3 and ECE-4 Enrollment Updates for 2025-26 School Year
Every school district in Colorado, including DPS, works with the Colorado Department of Early Childhood (CDEC) to continue expanding its Early Childhood Education with an enrollment process for Universal Preschool Colorado, also known as (UPK).
UPK ensures that every child, in the year before they are eligible for kindergarten, is eligible for half-day, state-funded, voluntary preschool. Children who are considered low income (defined as household income at or below the 270% of federal poverty guidelines) and have qualifying factors may be eligible for additional hours.
The Colorado Department of Early Childhood has announced that for the 2025-26 school year, families applying for ECE-4 must first submit a Universal Preschool Colorado (UPK) application, and the matching process will be completed through UPK (not through Denver Public Schools). Families applying for ECE-3 will submit a DPS SchoolChoice application, and the matching process will be completed through DPS.
For more information, please visit this updated page on the Swansea Website.
Announcements from the Central Community Hub
The Central Community Hub has MANY upcoming offerings. We encourage families to take advantage of our wonderful partner’s resources.
Free English Classes for DPS parents and Denver residents
English Levels 1-3
Virtual and In-Person Classes
Childcare provided during class
No cost to participate!
MUST be a Denver Public Schools parent or a Denver resident to participate. Register today!
Here is a summary of additional upcoming events:
Quick Information