Swansea guardians should have received the below letter from Mr. James Scott, an Executive Director at DPS, regarding Principal Diaz and a family emergency. A copy of this letter is below:
Dear Swansea families,
Your wonderful principal is dealing with a very difficult situation in her personal life that we wanted to make you aware of. Ms. Diaz’s youngest daughter, Megan, is a freshman at CU Boulder and hasn’t been in contact with her family or friends since Sunday night.
Tonight, you may see a story on 9News about her missing daughter. The family is working with the CU Boulder Police Department to try to locate Megan.
Our hearts are with Ms. Diaz and her family as they go through this trying time. I know that you will all want to reach out to her to offer support, but we ask that you respect her privacy during this time.
In her absence, Assistant Principal Marc Rodriguez will be managing the school.
James Scott
Executive Director
Elementary Collaboratives
CMAS testing for Swansea students will occur from April 8- 25. Please avoid planning doctor’s visits, trips, etc. during this window. Thank you in advance for your student’s attendance. Emails with more information will be sent out before February 28.
3rd, 4th and 5th grade parents, please be advised that students should only be purchasing one snack item in the cafeteria. Students are not required to purchase snacks; it is completely optional. If your student participates, please provide your student with money to buy only one item. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen money. Please consider loading money for these snacks directly onto your child’s MySchoolBucks account to prevent money getting lost, stolen or misused.
SchoolChoice Round 1 ends on February 18 at 4 p.m. Be sure to submit your application prior to this date.
Use your Parent Portal username and password to log in to the SchoolChoice application. Then, rank up to 12 of your most-preferred schools. Families can submit one Choice application per student. For more information, resources and/or step-by-step instructions, please visit: https://schoolchoice.dpsk12.org/o/schoolchoice/page/round-1
ECE Guardians, please ensure you participate in SchoolChoice Round 1 to reserve a seat for your student! For the 2025-26 school year, there are a limited number of spots. ECE3 has as few as 12 English and 12 Spanish seats available. SchoolChoice Round 1 closes in less than a week! Please complete your application prior to February 18 at 4 p.m. If you have issues accessing your Parent Portal account, contact the Main Office.