Dear School Leaders,
As I shared last month, Denver Public Schools (DPS) remains fully committed to providing safe learning environments for students and staff regardless of immigration status, national origin, race or religion. Ensuring the safety of our students and staff is our top priority and our most important responsibility as a district. I am aware that many of you are receiving questions and concerns from staff and families about the potential presence of government officials, including officers from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), on our school campuses. It is important that all leaders and their staff are aware of the current policies and procedures to follow should a government official arrive at your building and/or request records for information.
Current Policies
Based upon current DPS Administrative Policy K, to ensure that no unauthorized persons enter buildings with wrongful intent, all school visitors shall report to the school office when entering and receive authorization before visiting elsewhere in the building. No individual should be permitted to enter the building without ascertaining whether the individual has a legitimate business or educational purpose.
Per DPS Administrative Policy JIH (Student Interviews, Interrogations, Searches and Arrest), federal immigration law enforcement activities would not be permitted at our schools, on transportation routes, on DPS property or during school activities.
Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), we are required to limit who has access to student documents. In addition, DPS does not collect the immigration status of our families in alignment with DPS Administrative Policy JRA/JRC-R.
What to Do If a Government Official Arrives at Your Building
If a government official arrives at your school requesting information or entry and they are not an individual who has an appointment or business with anyone at the school, do not allow entry. Follow these steps:
Do not allow entry into the building. Place the school on secure perimeter.
Use the intercom to communicate with the government official.
If the government official is already in the building, keep them in the front office and place the school on hold.
Over the intercom, ask the government official:
Which agency are you with?
What is your name and badge/ID number?
What is the purpose of your visit?
Do you have a warrant or a court order?
If yes, can you provide the school with a copy?
If not, ask the government official to leave and contact Legal with any questions. You may also request the government official contact Legal.
Obtain documentation from the government official and make copies or take clear photos. This can include:
Any warrants or subpoenas.
Inform the government official that we have a process regarding requests to speak to students or request student records (see EL 10.20, DPS Admin. Policies JIH, JRA/JRC). Our process requires that all school staff must first notify and consult with the Office of General Counsel.
Call the DPS Office of General Counsel at 720-545-7122.
Calling this number will immediately connect you with a member of the Legal team.
Send copies or clear photos of the government official's documentation for verification to the individual from Legal you are speaking to.
Contact your Operational Service Director (OSD).
Notify the OSD that a government official is present at your building and that Legal has been contacted. Your OSD will contact the Climate & Safety department.
Wait for further guidance from the General Counsel.
Do not physically impede, interfere with or obstruct a government official in performing their duties. If the government official does not comply with your directions, notify Legal immediately.
Training for Staff
To ensure that all staff are aware of the procedures to follow, the following virtual training sessions are available:
Tuesday, Jan. 14 from 3:30-4:15 a.m. (Principal Call)
Assistant Principals and Deans:
Wednesday, Jan. 15 from 10-10:30 a.m.
Wednesday, Jan. 15 from 3:30-4 p.m.
Front Office Staff:
Thursday, Jan. 16 from 10-10:30 a.m.
Friday, Jan. 17 from 10-10:30 a.m.
FACE Family Liaisons, MLE Liaisons and Specialists:
Thursday, Jan. 16 from 8:30-9 a.m.
Ask Families to Update Emergency Contacts
Please ensure all families review and update their emergency contact information through the Parent Portal or your school’s main office. Each student should have at least two emergency contacts. These individuals do not need to be family members; they can be any trusted adult known by the family. We also ask that families identify those authorized to pick up their students (including older siblings) from school if a parent or guardian cannot.
Encourage families to opt out of the school’s directory by completing this form. Directory information is an exception under FERPA. Government agencies may seek directory information without a warrant or other legal justification.
Know Your Rights
All people in the United States, regardless of immigration status, have certain rights and protections under the U.S. Constitution. The Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition (CIRC) has resources available for staff and families to help build awareness. Printable Rights Cards from the Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC) are readily available in Spanish, Arabic, Farsi, French and Vietnamese. Amharic, Nepali and Somali cards are currently being translated.
Media Guidance
If you are contacted by a member of the media or a member of the media shows up to the building, immediately contact Scott Pribble (303-204-7891), Director of External Communications. If you would like to contact a media outlet, please notify your OSD.
DPS will continue to work with city agencies and community organizations to support our scholars, families and staff to ensure our community’s constitutional rights are respected. More information and resources will be shared in the coming days and weeks.
Please join this afternoon’s Principal Call prepared with your questions. Thank you for your leadership in ensuring our schools remain safe, welcoming, inclusive and supportive.
In collaboration,
Dr. Alex Marrero