Student Activity Fees
Families should have received an invoice in their email from MySchoolBucks for this year’s student activity fees. If you are new to MySchoolBucks, you can find more information on how to set up an account here. If you are in need of a scholarship for the fee, please reach out to Principal Burdette. Please reach out to Sarah Connolly in the office with any other questions.
Our first trimester of Enrichments start the week of September 9. All ECE, Kindergarten, and 1st grade students will be picked up in their classrooms by a staff member and delivered to their Enrichment classes at the end of school. Parents will pickup students on the back playground. Please be on time for pickup and double check the times and dates of your student’s Enrichment as not all programs have the exact same schedule and run times!!
Individual and Class Photos
Class and individual photos will occur on September 17th or 18th. Your teacher will communicate which date they are scheduled. Families can bring an order form in that day or order in advance at
The code for group photos for PHE is: EVTXCGNFB
The code to order individual photos for PHE is: EVTJ9DTZ4
Anti-Idling Campaign
Once again this year, our school is initiating an Engines Off anti-idling campaign! Going forward, we ask that all persons operating vehicles at or near the school turn off their engine when parked for more than 10 seconds. Turning your engines off will protect our students from harmful vehicle emissions.
Vehicles with internal combustion engines (\non-electric cars) release hundreds of compounds while running – even while the car is stationary, or idling. When many cars are concentrated, like on a road, or at our schools Kiss-N-Drop, hotspots of air pollution are created. In fact, every minute that a car idles, it emits enough emissions to fill 150 balloons with harmful pollutants, including cyanide, nitrogen oxides and PM2.5.
Many of the air pollutants released from idling vehicles are toxic, and others react with other compounds and UV rays to form ground-level ozone pollution. These pollutants aggravate asthma and allergies and can cause cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Unfortunately, children are more sensitive to idling air pollution because they breathe 50 percent more air per pound of body weight than adults. Idling cars are a public health threat to our students.
So, going forward, please remember to turn off your engine when your car is stopped for longer than 10 seconds wherever you are, but especially at school.
Gifted and Talented Cognitive Testing
The fall nomination window is open for CogAT testing. You can use this link to sign up. All submissions are sent directly to the GT central office for rostering.
Sign-up is available for all students except:
Students in Kindergarten and 2nd grade (These students will take part in our GT universal screening this fall.)
Students already identified HGT or ME (magnet eligible)
Students who took the spring 2024 CogAT
The sign up window is open through October 11. Communication will be sent to all families that signed up shortly after the window closes.
For more information: DPS GT website
**It's not recommended that students test year after year. So if your student took this assessment last fall, consider waiting before signing them up again.
Reminder: My School Apps
Every family must complete the My School Apps Form to help the District attain federal funding for breakfast and lunch programs. Please fill out an application even if your student does not plan on having school lunch / or receive Free or Reduced lunch.
Apply HERE:
Please note: There is an opt-out for benefits button on one of the introductory screens if you think your family is not eligible for benefits. Check this box and then enter your student’s info to complete the application.