Halloween Parade information
Date: Thursday 10/31
* Parade will start through the Basketball court, head South towards 17th, and proceed around the perimeter of the school in a clockwise motion.
* Students may come to school in their "base" costumes. Any accessories (make-up, cape, inflatable) may be put on 15 minutes prior to the parade.
* Costumes - No weapons, no gore. Only wear masks when outside for the Parade - not to be worn inside.
* Parents should not come into the room prior to the Parade unless specifically invited by the teacher. Parents may come after the Parade for class parties
* Food for parties should be pre-packaged with ingredients on the label.
Reminder: Individual Photo Retake Day
Lifetouch will return to do any retakes for students on the morning of October 22. If you were not satisfied with the original photos for your student or you missed the original picture day, your student can get their photo updated on that morning. Please bring in your old pictures if you would like them replaced. There is no fee for the retakes.
Lost and Found
Our Lost and Found is nearly full. We will be emptying items out on Friday, November 1. Please feel free to stop by the school during office hours to look for any lost items or remind your student to do the same!
Anti-Idling reminder
One of the most relevant environmental issues in the Front Range is air pollution. The Front Range has suffered from severe ground-level ozone pollution for decades, which can aggravate respiratory and cardiovascular illnesses, including asthma. Much of the region’s ozone pollution comes from transportation, namely, driving cars! It just so happens that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change also stem from transportation. So, as we teach our students about the planet and ways to protect it, consider showing your kids how easy it can be to walk, bike or take public transit to get around. It’s also very easy to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions by turning your engines off instead of idling your vehicle.
As part of our Engines Off anti-idling campaign, we’re asking that all persons operating vehicles at or near the school turn off their engine when parked for more than 10 seconds.
For saving fuel and reducing emissions, eliminating the unnecessary idling of personal vehicles would be the same as taking 5 million vehicles off the roads! That’s because every gallon of gas burned while idling your vehicle produces more than 20 pounds of greenhouse gasses, and every minute that a car idles, more than 150 balloons full of exhaust emissions are released. So please, consider turning your engines off.
Bicycles for Children First Annual Tour de' Frights Costume Parade and Art Party at Cheesman Park Sunday, October 27th
This is a free event sponsored by Bicycles for Children. It will be packed with fun for all ages and will feature live music, pizza, and art projects for the kids. Start time is 12:00 p.m. near the playground at Cheesman Park. They will have pizza at 4:00 p.m. and a costume parade at 5:15 p.m.. Come dressed for trick-or-treating and don't forget your helmet! If you would like to volunteer, please call Robert at 720-212-4232. See poster below for more information.