Happy Friday!
Last week was the kickoff of the students’ February Kindness Campaign. This campaign was created by our 5th grade student leaders to help encourage and acknowledge kind behaviors throughout each grade level. We ask that the kindness campaign be extended at home. Please make sure to talk about and recognize kind acts at home that you are seeing.
A quick thank you to all of the volunteers I’ve seen in and around the school. We have parents helping with reading groups, chaperoning field trips, helping in dance/drama, and with a variety of other tasks. We’re really fortunate to have so much community support, and I want to share the staff’s appreciation.
-Ken Burdette, Principal
No School February 14-17
Please note that there is no school on Friday, February 14 and Monday, February 17 for the President’s Day holiday.
Black History Month
On Behalf of the Black Excellence Committee, in recognition of Black History Month, we are sharing these links with our PHE families.
Clothing Supplies
Thank you to families for all the recent new and gently used clothing donations. We are still short on smaller sizes of girls underwear and little boys shorts.
2025-26 School Calendar
The district recently published the 2025-26 Calendar. This has been approved and published so it should be safe to use for summer schedule planning.
Reminder: Enrollment - DPS SchoolChoice
The SchoolChoice window opened Wednesday, January 15. Families can rank their preferred schools for their children to attend during this time. This is required for 5th grade students continuing on to middle school, incoming kindergarten and ECE-4 students or those looking to transfer to another DPS school. We are also asking our K-4th grade families to complete their plans if possible for planning purposes. The Choice window is open from January 15-February 18. Elections for SchoolChoice can be made at any point during that window.
Reminder: Valentine’s Celebrations
Valentine's celebrations will take place in the afternoon of Thursday, 2/13. We do not have school on Friday, 2/14
Reminder: ELCS Summer Enrichment Camps at Polaris Elementary
The ELCS department is offering summer enrichments at Polaris Elementary. The signup opens February 11 at 6 am.