Important Dates
March 19 from 6-7:30 p.m.: Choir Concert
March 24-28:Spring Break; No school for students
March 31: No school in observance of Cesar Chavez Day
April 8 at 10 a.m.: SchoolChoice Round 2 opens
April 18: No School for Students
April 18 from 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.: HOSA Blood Drive
Kennedy Model United Nations (MUN)
Last Saturday, Kennedy students participated in MUN, a simulation of the United Nations where participants act as delegates to address global issues, at North High School.
They did an amazing job debating women's violence in different countries and proposing solutions to alleviate this problem. Congrats to the students, who won a trophy for best positive leaders.
Kennedy Prom Information
Prom will be on Saturday, April 12, at Baldoria on the Water. Students are required to have 85% attendance or higher from Tuesday, January 21-April 4.
Ticket Prices:
Attendance rates will be posted weekly outside of the main office.
Free Summer College Classes Opportunity
Are you interested in taking free college classes this summer? Here's what you need to know:
Eligibility: Students must have 95% attendance and be on track to graduate and have a 3.0 cumulative GPA
Class Format: Both in-person and online options are available
Cost: FREE!
Next Steps: Come to the Counseling Center on Wednesday, March 19th, during lunch to learn more and sign up!
Don't miss out on this great opportunity to get ahead. See you on Wednesday!
CEC Application Deadline – April 1st!
Interested in hands-on learning and career training? CEC offers Career & Technical Education (CTE) programs that take up half the school day and provide valuable skills for your future!
Who Can Apply?: Rising juniors and seniors
Transportation: Provided to and from JFK
Deadline to Apply: April 1st
Questions? See a counselor in Room 203
Join the District Accountability Committee (DAC)
Are you a parent, teacher, student, educator, school leader or community member who is passionate about improving our local schools and ensuring that all DPS students thrive? Consider applying to join the District Accountability Committee (DAC)! As an advisory body, the DAC provides feedback to DPS on decisions that impact our schools.
The DAC is accepting applications for new members through March 21. The application is available in multiple languages. Learn more about the DAC and apply to become a member.
Your Voice/Tu Voz Survey is Open
The DPS “Your Voice/Tu Voz” Student Survey is open! Responses to the survey inform decisions on how DPS can better serve all our students.
Students in third- through 12th-grade should have received an email from Superintendent Dr. Alex Marrero with a unique link to complete the survey. Students will have the opportunity to take the survey in class on a date designated by the school, however, we encourage families to check in with their children to ensure they completed the survey. If you have questions, email
No Cost Vaccinations at Denver Health School Based Clinic
Measles cases are rising nationwide, including in nearby states. Protect yourself and your family before spring break travel. Get vaccinated if you aren’t already protected! All DPS Students are able to go to their Denver Health School Based Clinic for no cost vaccinations or you may Find a vaccine provider near you at
Choir Concert
You're invited to Kennedy's Spring Choir Concert on Wednesday, March 19 at 6 p.m.
Prior to the Concert, Kennedy art students will also be hosting an art show from 4-6 p.m displaying their paintings, drawings, ceramics and digital artwork. We hope to see you there!
Hiring: Interventionist Teacher
Kennedy is hiring! We are still on the lookout for an Interventionist Teacher. More information on this role is available on the DPS Job Board.
JFK Athletics hosted the Spring Sports Community Night on Thursday, March 6. Here are the informational slides for anyone who was not able to attend. Please connect with Athletic Director Jen Montoya at any time for questions or inquiries.
Are you looking to play a Spring Sport? Register here.
General Information
Attendance Line
Call the Attendance Line at 720-423-4354 or email to excuse your student’s absences.
Office Support
Phone Number: 720-423-4300
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Thanks to Our Kennedy Sponsors