Wish Week Begins on Monday, Feb. 3
Wish Week is a longstanding tradition where Kennedy's Student Council partners with Make-A-Wish Colorado to raise money to help grant a wish to a child. Please consider donating to help Kennedy reach its goal of raising $2,500 and help Wish Kids like Emi, fulfill their dreams.
Kennedy's winter spirit week is planned around Emi and her favorite things. Check out the themes for Feb. 3- Feb. 7 below. Wish Week concludes on Friday with the winter pep rally.
Winter Dance
In order to attend this year's Winter Dance, students need to have 90% attendance from January 22nd-February 3rd. The dance will be held on Saturday, February 8th from 7 p.m.-10 p.m. The cost is $10 per student.
Piloting Possip at Kennedy
On Tuesday, Commander families may have received an email or text message from Possip. This platform allows members of the Kennedy team to collect feedback from the Commander community directly to better address issues and celebrate success. All feedback is welcomed, and comments can be made confidentiality or openly.
So far, we’ve heard from 112 of families, and we are seeing that 76% of Commander families are happy or mostly happy with Kennedy this week.
This week's feedback consisted of praise, appreciation and suggestions, including:
Praise for the friendly and approachable office staff
Appreciation for the great JROTC program
Requests for more detailed information regarding senior events and deadlines
Ideas to improve the cafeteria options
We are taking all of your feedback and ideas into consideration for our future planning and follow-up. We hope to hear from you again on our next Possip Pulse Check. Thanks again for sharing!
Rainbow Alliance Meeting
Students are invited to join the Rainbow Alliance for a meeting on February 13 during lunch. All are welcome! For questions or more information, please contact Miss Becca.
Parent Involvement Opportunities at Kennedy
Are you looking for more ways to get involved as a Commander Parent? Consider joining the Commander PTSA! For information on their meetings, email jfkcommanderconnection@gmail.com.
Immigration Family Resource Toolkit
A Family Resource Toolkit is available to Kennedy families in English and Spanish. It contains information and resources about rights, current DPS policies, training, mental health support, DPS resources, community resources and more. The toolkit is a comprehensive guide designed to assist families in creating personalized action plans in case of deportation or prolonged absence. It provides practical tools and advice on organizing critical documents, managing legal and financial matters, and developing communication strategies. Please take a few minutes to review this resource.
DSF Financial Aid Workshop
Denver Scholarship Foundation's Financial Aid workshop will be held on February 6 from 3-7 p.m. Seniors can sign up for an appointment to complete their FAFSA or CASFA with experts at the JFK gym. We will have support available in English and Spanish.
P/SAT Prep Materials from Princeton Review
9th, 10th, and 11th grade students should have received free P/SAT materials last week, please have them check their email for communication from Princeton Review. Every student should have access to practice exams and materials in preparation for the upcoming exam. This is entirely free for your student.
Special Education Resource Night
Our special education team will be hosting a Family Resource Night. There are various agencies and community partners who will be here to support families. Please see the flyer below for additional information.
Wrestling: Congratulations to Brooklyn Garcia who took 1st place at the Les Mattocks Invitational!
The City League tournament is Saturday, February 1 at Northfield High School. Wrestling starts at 9 a.m. Come and support your Kennedy wrestlers.
Boys Basketball: JV has surpassed last season's total wins! Congrats to the team. Every year the team is getting better and better. The team had a great fight in a competitive game against DSST Conservatory Green.
Senior Night for Boys Basketball will be on Tuesday, February 4 at home vs. KIPP. Cheer on our Kennedy players! Former and future Commander Night will be Friday, February 7 at home vs. Lincoln.
General Information
Attendance Line
Call the Attendance Line at 720-423-4354 or email jfkattendance@dpsk12.net to excuse your student’s absences.
Office Support
Phone Number: 720-423-4300
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Thanks to Our Kennedy Sponsors
Visit the Garlic Knot on 3200 S Wadsworth Blvd., Unit A, Lakewood, CO 80227