Dear Hawks Community,
Thank you to everyone who joined us last week for the Discovery Link performance, Decades Dance Revolution! Congratulations to our students and staff who put in so much work to make this an incredible show. I am continually impressed with the talent and dedication of our Hallett community.
Thank you for continuing to respond to our Possip surveys. This allows us to regularly check in about how you're feeling at Hallett. Last survey, we included a bonus question about what kinds of communication changes you want to see from us. We heard that families are looking for more text updates, and for more communication from classroom teachers. In response, we will send newsletters via text (in addition to email) and I've asked teachers to send weekly updates to the parents in their classrooms.
As always, you can find the most recent Possip results on the Possip page on our website. We are grateful for your feedback!
Ms. D