Spirit Week This Week
Spirit Week is this week!
Monday, February 3: Rainbow Day! Wear your brightest rainbow colors and show yoru support for our LGBTQ+ community.
Tuesday, February 4: White Lies Day! Wear a t-shirt with a funny "white lie" written on it (remember to keep it school-appropriate!).
Wednesday, February 5: Pink Out Day! Wear as much pink or red as you can.
Thursday, February 6: Celebrity Day! Dress like for favorite celeb.
Friday February 7: Clash of Classes! Wear your class colors; Freshman wear yellow, Sophomores wear white, Juniors wear green, and Seniors - wear your overalls!
Seniors - DSF Financial Aid Workshop
The DSF Financial Aid Workshop is Wednesday, February 5 from 5:00 to 7:00pm in the GWHS Cafeteria. During this workshop, students and families will sit down 1:1 with a financial aid expert to complete their FAFSA or CASFA application. Students must pre-register for the event and will select one of four one-hour time slots (3:00 to 4:00pm, 4:00 to 5:00pm, 5:00 to 6:00pm or 6:00 to 7:00pm). Click here for more information and to register! It is extremely important to:
Read all information on the registration page.
Have both student and parent(s) create StudentAid.Gov accounts (here) BEFORE Sunday, February 2. If you do not create your accounts with sufficient time, you may not be able to complete the FAFSA at the workshop.
Arrive on time for your appointment with your 2023 tax documents, StudentAid.Gov account login credentials, and a charged computer.
Questions? Contact Hannah Minturn at hminturn@denverscholarhip.org or visit the Future Center.
Seniors - Before Prom
Seniors, join us at GWHS for the Before Prom party Friday, February 7 from 6:00 to 9:00pm (please note this is a new time) to find out the theme and location for Prom! There will be food, drinks, a bouncy obstacle course and more.
Juniors - Optional SAT Essay Opt-In Window
All juniors are automatically registered by Colorado Department of Education and required to take the SAT without Essay for free at GWHS on Monday, April 14. Juniors who want to add the optional Essay to their SAT registration may do so from Monday, February 3 through Monday, February 17. To add the Essay to your SAT registration, click HERE during the Essay registration window and complete the form. For more information about the optional Essay, click HERE.
Girls Golf Interest Meeting
Do you want to learn a sport you can play for a lifetime, spend time outdoors, and make friends all across DPS? Join girls' golf! We are having an interest meeting in Ms. Mitchell's room, Room 30, on Thursday, February 6 at lunch. Hope to see you there! Questions? Contact Coach Mitchell in room 30.
Girls Tennis Interest Meeting
Any girls interested in playing tennis this spring, please attend the informational meeting on Tuesday, February 4 at lunch in room 131. We will discuss the upcoming season and the things needed to ensure you are ready to play on Monday, February 24 when the season begins. Questions? Contact Coach Anderson in room 131.
Boys and Girls Track and Field
Track and Field season is here! The official first day of practice is Monday, February 24. As a reminder, all athletes must have a valid physical that does not expire until June 2025 to participate. Visit the GW Track and Field website (linked HERE, and on Schoology) for details about registration, practice times, meet schedules and coaches' information. Questions? Contact Mrs. Crawford in Room 112E.
Join the GWHS PSAT and SAT Bootcamps!
Are you preparing for the P/SAT? Looking for strategies, test-taking tips, and hands-on practice? Join GW’s P/SAT Bootcamps to boost your confidence and improve your scores! Bootcamps run Wednesday, February 5 through Saturday, April 5; click HERE for the bootcamp schedule. Questions? Contact Ms. McFarland.
Campus Prep SAT Prep Course
Starting in February and running for seven weeks, Campus Prep is offering an SAT prep course to juniors and seniors. The 27-hour comprehensive course is hosted at University of Denver, and includes three proctored practice exams. The cost is $155 to $175; students who complete the course often increase their score by over 200 points. Click HERE to see the schedules and to apply for the course. Questions? Email admin@campusprep.org or call (877) 805-2521.
Yearbook Orders
Be sure to purchase your yearbook early by clicking HERE. Order now before prices go up! All yearbooks must be ordered online; there will not be extras for sale in person.
2025-2026 Student Ambassador Signups
If you are interested in being a Student Ambassador for the upcoming 2025-2026 school year please click HERE and complete the form. Ambassadors will have a mandatory initial meeting (date TBD). To receive the 2.5 credits for being an Ambassador, students must complete the required 60 hours of school service.
Builders Wanted
Do you like building and construction? The Patriot Players are looking for some additional students to help work on building the set for our upcoming musical, "Mean Girls." We meet after school and some Saturdays, but we can also work with your availability. Talk to Nacho in Room 213, or swing by the theatre after school to get more information!
School Store and Coffee Bar Now Open
The School Store and Coffee Bar items are available for delivery during our open hours, which are Mondays (period 3 from 10:40 to 11:00am, and period 6 from 2:10 to 2:30pm), Tuesdays (period 2 from 9:40 to 10:00am), Wednesdays (period 3 from 10:30 to 11:00am), Thursdays (period 2 from 10:30 to 11:00am, and period 6 from 2:30 to 3:00pm) and Fridays (period 2 from 9:40 to 10:00am, period 3 from 10:40 to 11:00am, and period 6 from 2:10 to 2:30pm,). Scan the QR code, fill out your items in the form with your name and room number, and your items will be delivered to your classroom during the period of your choice! Please be prepared to pay with credit card or ApplePay when your delivery arrives, and confirm before you order that your teacher allows deliveries. Click HERE for the form and QR code.
Monday and Friday Dress Days
Every Monday this school year, wear your gear that represents your post-high school plans! This can be anything from a college hoodie to a mechanic's worksuit - just be creative and represent your goals! Every Friday this school year, wear your greenest GWHS gear to show your Patriot pride!