Activities Office
Legacy Stoles - If your student has a parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle then they qualify for a legacy stole. The forms are available in room 100 and the cost is $15.
The last day to order is March 21st.
Senior t-shirts - will be available the first week of April. We encourage students to wear these for the senior panoramic picture.
Senior Panoramic Picture - This is a one time opportunity that takes place in the Panek Gym during 4th period.
DECA Toy Drive - This drive is for Foster Fete, a local nonprofit that provides birthday celebrations for children in foster care. They are looking for new toys (all ages) and new clothing for ages 1-3. Drop off in the boxes in room 100 and 109. This drive ends on April 1st
College Rep Visits are BACK!
Want to chat with a college or university that you were accepted to? Check below to see if they’ve signed up for a Spring Rep Visit! If you have questions about how to sign up, stop by the DSF Future Center in the Counseling Office!
4/2 10:00am CU Denver
4/2 12:15pm Community College of Denver
4/9 10:00am Fort Lewis College
4/9 12:15pm Rocky Mountain College of Art & Design
4/30 12:15pm California Polytechnic State University – San Luis Obispo
College To-Do List for Seniors
- Update MaiaLearning with your college acceptances and scholarship awards
- Schedule an appointment with your DSF College Advisor to make sure you are on track
- Apply for scholarships!
Join Us! EA Foundation Needs Your Social Media & Communication Skills
The EA Foundation seeks a passionate parent volunteer to help us engage parents, faculty, and students through social media and email campaigns. With our newly launched website, we want to continue building connections within the East High School community and showcasing the impact of our initiatives.
What we do:
Provide funding through our Student Assistance Fund to ensure ALL students can participate in academic and extracurricular activities
Support faculty innovation through our Faculty & Staff Grants Committee, funding creative projects that enhance student learning
What we need: A volunteer to help share our story across platforms and engage our community through:
Time commitment: Flexible, approximately 2-3 hours per week
If you're interested in making a difference, please contact Greg Graeber ( or connect with any of our current board members.
Let’s Finish Strong Together - Help Close the Funding Gap for After Prom!
The After Prom build is in full swing, but we're facing a critical funding gap. We need to meet our fundraising goal in the next few weeks to deliver the magical night our seniors deserve.
What Your Donation Supports:
Donate Link:
State Testing Schedule Spring 2025
Make up Testing Begins Monday, April 21st at 8:20am in the Library
From April 14th - 17th East High School students will participate in SAT, PSAT, and CMAS Science tests as required by the state of Colorado. This is a chance for students and their families to get feedback on student progress and college readiness.
All 11th grade students taking the SAT free of charge have the opportunity to send their scores to colleges to be considered for admissions decisions.
Parents or guardians who would like to decline their student’s College Board approved testing accommodations for the April administration of the SAT or PSAT should email our Site Assessment Leader Jessica Perkins at by March 14. Any requests made after that date may not be guaranteed because accommodations are built into the digital testing format.
These test scores affect East High School’s ratings on the state of Colorado’s School Performance Framework.