October 7, 8, & 9: Fall Testing
October 7 & 8: Parent Teacher conferences 4-8pm
October 10: Professional Learning Day
October 11: No School
October 14: Indigenous Peoples Day, No School
East High School
October 7, 8, & 9: Fall Testing
October 7 & 8: Parent Teacher conferences 4-8pm
October 10: Professional Learning Day
October 11: No School
October 14: Indigenous Peoples Day, No School
9th-11th grade students will have the opportunity to take the PSAT 9 and NMSQT. This is an excellent SAT practice opportunity for all, and the NMSQT allows national academic recognition and scholarship opportunities. Guardians have the right to opt their child out of any state testing. If you would like to opt your child out, please use the opt out instructions below. Students need to be opted out of the test by their guardian no later than Friday Oct. 4th.
opt out English / opt out Spanish
Please be on time for testing. If you arrive after your assigned testing room has started testing, you may not be admitted.
There will be one make-up opportunity for the 11th grade NMSQT test only starting at 8:20 a.m. on Tuesday Oct. 15th.
Please also be aware that students with extended time or extra breaks accommodations will not be released with students who have standard time and breaks.
During testing weeks, students are required to attend only during their assigned testing day. Testing days are assigned by grade level and test.
A guardian may opt their child out of their testing accommodations for this test no later than Wed. October 2nd by sending an email that states the full name, grade, and test to our site assessment leader Jessica Perkins at jperkin@dpsk12.net . Students may not opt out of their accommodations after October 2nd.
The East Choir Department is proud to present our first choir performance of the year!
Our annual Cabaret Concert will be held Friday (10/4) @ 7:00 PM and Saturday (10/5) @ 4:00PM in the Auditorium! This year, we are featuring music from Broadway Musicals, Movies and Jazz Standards. You'll hear solos, small group, and full choir songs from familiar shows such as: Guys and Dolls, Hamilton, Barbie Movie, Into the Woods and much more!
Please see the flier below for details on some exciting post secondary opportunities for our Juniors and Seniors! Please encourage your students to attend these events to support their application process! All 11th and 12th grade students will be automatically registered for the College Fair so all they need to do is show up and connect with colleges!
Seniors, please remember that all of your school document requests are due at least 2 weeks prior to your college deadline, see the senior site for more information.
Jostens will be here on October 21st. This is the company we go through to order our caps and gowns.
Book Drive begins October 15th. Please bring in your gently used books to the boxes located in room 100 and the main office.
Trick or Treat Street is October 30th this year. We encourage families to bring their elementary school children in costume for fun, games and candy. More information to follow!
If you would like to connect with your student’s counselor during conferences, please email them directly to set up a time. Here is a link to counselor caseloads and emails: https://east.dpsk12.org/counseling/meet-our-staff/
If you are new to East, DPS, or are unsure of what a CSC is, please use the resource here to learn more about this important committee. All CSC meetings are open to the public and our meeting notes will be posted on our website. Our CSC meeting will be October 17th from 5:00-6:30 pm in the East Social Room. During our CSC meeting, we will be discussing our 24-25 Unified Improvement Plan in conjunction with our 2024 School Performance Framework.
We will also be discussing our Fall Adjustment final enrollment numbers and any implications to our school budget. Below are the Committee representatives for the 24-25 school year.
Dr. Angelina Walker - Parent
Olivia Booth -Community Representative
Priya Burkett -Parent
Michele Steed - Parent
Gregg Velaquez - Teacher
Rebecca Behmke - Teacher
Terita Walker - Principal
We will have our Family Teacher Conferences on October 7th and October 8th. Translation will be provided for families! This is such an important time for teachers to meet with families to discuss how students are doing in all aspects of school.
Thank you to those who have signed-up for parent-teacher conferences. However, we have a large number of parents who have signed up for the wrong teacher. Please make sure you are signing up for your student's teacher.
East High School have conferences next week on Monday, October 7th and Tuesday, October 8th. This is a chance to meet with your child's teacher individually to learn about their progress.
Please use the following link to access the sign-up genius to select appointments with teachers: https://sites.google.com/dpsk12.net/eastptconferencesinfo/home. Again, please ensure you are choosing the correct teacher. If you have signed up for the wrong teacher, you may get a notification that your appointment was canceled.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Club Highlight: Join Angelbotics at KCMT
Please join East High’s robotics team at the Kendrick Castillo Memorial Tournament (KCMT) for one last run of last year’s robot on October 12 & 13 at Regis University. East High is representing FRC Team #1339 Angelbotics.
Hispanic & Latinx Heritage Month Resources
Denver Public Library Events, Books, Blog Posts
The Denver Art Museum has an interactive exhibition titled “Have a Seat: Mexican Chair Design Today” through November 3. Visitors are encouraged to sit on and move selected chairs and seats by Mexican designers, showcasing connections between modern design and ancient practices. In addition, the Latin American Art gallery presents over 1,000 rare works from Latin America, which is open year-round.
Denver Botanic Gardens presents Yo Soy, a platform for Latino cultural heritage through several exhibits and workshops. The art exhibit Calacas y Catrinas will be on display at the York location and several Aurora Public Library locations through October 20.
The Borderlands of Southern Colorado Initiative at History Colorado includes exhibits, programs, and experiences to showcase the stories that frame Colorado’s borderlands. This initiative is featured at the History Colorado Center in Denver, where the exhibit is presented in both English and Spanish.
Flu Vaccines Available for DPS Students
Flu vaccines are available for DPS students only. Each student will need an appointment and a current consent for the Denver Health School Based Clinic. Below is the QR code to schedule appointments. Click here to fill out the consent form.
School-Based will not be offering the COVID vaccine to DH employees, DPS staff, parents or community. Feel free to visit your PCP, Public Health, Walgreens, etc., for your COVID vaccine.
Class Highlight: East Theatre Update!
East Theatre is producing Sweeney Todd and Mary Poppins this year!
Stay tuned for all the magic to come! Help these productions with their wishlist!
We are looking for council members to be part of this critical work. The Black Education Advisory Council (BEAC) is a group of Denver Public Schools community members who value and honor the richness and diversity that our Black and Indigenous culture brings to the educational system in Denver Public Schools. We are DPS parents, grandparents, guardians, students, educators, community members, district employees, and other stakeholders who believe in diversity and equality for all students.
The purpose of the BEAC is to lead and influence positive change. BEAC seeks to improve educational opportunities and to provide quality education for all students, particularly students of Black heritage.
BEAC is accepting applications through October 11, 2024. The selection process will take place between October-November. BEAC is open to all community members. Click HERE to apply!
Check out this flier for more information and to spread the word!
Free Travel Training Courses
The Denver Regional Mobility and Access Council (DRMAC) has been serving Denver Metro area residents for over 18 years. DRMAC provides assistance to older adults, people with disabilities, veterans, people of low income, the BIPOC community, and immigrant communities. Their travel assistance services include navigation help, education about public transit options, communication resources explaining routes specialized for accessibility needs, and promotion and advocacy of safe access and mobility for all community members.
DRMAC is providing free travel training courses to all DPS students, families, and staff. DRMAC offers 3 hour-long courses: Overview of Transit Resources, Lyft and Uber Basics, and RTD Basics. These courses are offered both virtually and in-person and are available in both English and Spanish trainings.
Come join us at East High School for a casual morning of coffee and conversation with our school principal and Denver Scholarship Foundation team as well as the leadership of our counceling team. This is a great opportunity to ask questions about what the future options for Life After East. Whether you're a parent, student, or community member, your input is valuable to us. Let's sip some coffee and chat about how we can make our school even better together. We look forward to seeing you there!
Click here to sign up or scan the QR code on the coffee cup.
Want to know the latest with our DECA team? Check out our DECA Newsletter!